This is a picture I took with a 5 megapixel iPhone a couple of weeks ago in a park. I edited this picture with picnik using various tools. The feeling I was going for was a child-like, olden days image. First, I cropped the photo to put the focus on the trains, yet still leaving some of the grass and sky. It was a perfectly overcast day, and I loved the way the clouds sat in this picture. Then, I used exposure to balance the colors. After that, I increased the saturation to add some grey to the picture to accentuate the parts, especially the clouds. I gave it a monochrome look, and I even added a bit of sharpness to make everything stand out. I then used the effect called "HDR-ish," which strengthens the photo and plays with the radius to give it a sharp, almost pencil-drawn look. Finally, I used "boost" to literally boost some of the colors (especially the blue sky). And voilĂ ! :)