Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Face Swap!

Using Phoenix Image Editor on, I created this face swap of my boyfriend and I! My first layer was a picture I took of myself, and the second layer was a picture of him and I that I cropped to use his face. By image selecting and inverting, cropping and cutting, playing with the alpha (transparency between layers), then erasing and editing, I compiled the finished product - Ben's head on my body!
What a silly girl he makes ;)
  Final.egg  on AviaryFinal.egg on Aviary.

The images I used:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Day in the Life of Me!

Hello bloggers! I made a Google docs presentation featuring none other but the domestic diva! I hope you enjoy the pretty glittery background I included and random information about myself ;) I had fun using the Google docs presentation maker. It is a cloud app. That means that the whole presentation I made, along with any editing, will be used and stored online! No taking up space on my computer! The presentation was pretty easy to do. It was just like using Microsoft Powerpoint, but with less options. It still had all the basics and gives a nice finished product. Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Railroad Crossing

This is a picture I took with a 5 megapixel iPhone a couple of weeks ago in a park. I edited this picture with picnik using various tools. The feeling I was going for was a child-like, olden days image. First, I cropped the photo to put the focus on the trains, yet still leaving some of the grass and sky. It was a perfectly overcast day, and I loved the way the clouds sat in this picture. Then, I used exposure to balance the colors. After that, I increased the saturation to add some grey to the picture to accentuate the parts, especially the clouds. I gave it a monochrome look, and I even added a bit of sharpness to make everything stand out. I then used the effect called "HDR-ish," which strengthens the photo and plays with the radius to give it a sharp, almost pencil-drawn look. Finally, I used "boost" to literally boost some of the colors (especially the blue sky). And voilĂ ! :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Urban Landscape Video

This was a video I made for my digital art media class using Animoto, featuring the song "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri and photos I took a few weeks ago around the town I live in, Maumee.